Welcome Tourism Industry Partners
Tourism Industry Partnership ProgramLocal businesses are a big part of developing high quality visitor experiences that attract and support our tourism economy in Sylvan Lake. Sylvan Lake is brilliant all year, and has so much to share with visitors throughout the seasons. Thank you for partnering with us as we work collectively to develop our community as a vibrant Alberta travel destination!
Scroll below to access Program resources and information that aim to assist your business in finding opportunity, raising its profile, and growing within the sector.
Program FAQ
If visitors to Sylvan Lake make up a significant share of your customers then your business is operating in the tourism sector.
Your business may provide goods or services that visitors are looking for like fun things to do, places to stay, places to eat, souvenirs, supplies, or equipment to enjoy their trip.
This Program is open to any licensed Sylvan Lake business operating in the tourism sector. Businesses must register online for the Program.
Get involved in Town of Sylvan Lake tourism strategies and initiatives! Work collaboratively, be included in, and find opportunity as well as benefit from the growth of the tourism sector in Sylvan Lake.
Program features and resources are listed on visitsylvanlake.ca/industry. Click through, sign up, submit, and use all the features available to your business each year.
Latest news and opportunities will be kept updated. Access anytime through visitsylvanlake.ca/industry
Just sign up online, it's quick and easy! sylvanlake.ca/tourismpartnership
Your business must be licensed with the Town of Sylvan Lake and operating in the tourism sector to participate.
For questions, please reach out:
Natasha Bhola
Tourism Marketing and Development Coordinator
T 403-887-1192 x 527
What is Visit Sylvan Lake?
Visit Sylvan Lake is the visitor services umbrella through which visitor information and destination marketing for Sylvan Lake are delivered. This includes the visitsylvanlake.ca website and social media @visitsylvanlake
Visit Sylvan Lake is operated by the Town of Sylvan Lake. Tag your social media photos with @visitsylvanlake or #visitsylvanlake for the chance to be featured on our social media and increase your business' likelihood of being found by visitors!
Latest Destination News
This section is updated every few weeks as new news comes up. Stay updated by checking back often!
Calling all restaurants & artists - CulinART registrations are open! | September 6-8 and 13-14, 2024.
Sylvan Lake's food and art festival takes place over two weekends this year with life-size art, immersive performances, aerial silk acrobatics, theatre, workshops, the ever-popular Food and Art Walk, and an Art Show and Sale! There's so much many ways for your business to participate:
>For Downtown Restaurants | Registration Closes August 30
Showcase up to FOUR of your signature dishes, trial menu items, or mini drinks! Event guests will redeem tickets in exchange for menu items.
Register and find full details here
Tips for success:
- The sky's the limit! Showcase your best-selling signature dishes, launch something new, test out a new menu item, or create adorable mini-versions worthy of a photo moment
- Use ingredients you already have to help keep costs low
- Prepare items in advance where possible for speedy service
- Dedicate a table and staff member to collect tickets and serve banquet-style during the event
- Use disposable dishes and utensils where possible to allow guests to wander between culinary and art stops
- Keep portions small, so guests will have room to try something from each restaurant
- Price items at whole dollar amounts between $1-$7. 1 ticket = $1.
- Let your staff know that they should initial Walking Guides. Guests with fully initialed walking guides can enter to win prizes!
- Keep all the food tickets you collect; do not lose or misplace them. Redeem for reimbursement from the Town of Sylvan Lake. The Town is unable to reimburse for any tickets not presented after the event
- Connect with the event on social media and tag us in your posts @visitsylvanlake
> For Non-Downtown Restaurant | Registration Closes August 30
Restaurants located outside of the downtown area can still participate in CulinART from your business location and will be added to the online event map and menu.
> For Artists | Register for the Art Show & Sale
Artists can register for the Art Show and Sale happening at the NexSource Centre on September 13 & 14.
> Sponsor the CulinART prize pack!
CulinART! Event guests with fully initialed Walking Guides can enter to win great prizes at the end of the night. Walking Guides are meant to help guests try something from every restaurant. Any business can donate a prize item of a minimum $50 value. Contact cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor.
Posted 2024-08-23
2024 Fall Event Sponsorships
Celebrate fall in Sylvan Lake! Whether you’re into the laidback cabin lifestyle or spooky season fun, there are endless ways to join in!
See the sponsorship package here and contact Channelle Brooker at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
Posted 2024-08-09
Tourism Partnership Program News | January - March 2024
Share Your Feedback | Quarterly Survey is now open!
Your feedback is so important to us and is used to shape future projects, initiatives, and direction for Town staff, Council, and for the Tourism Development Committee. Let us know how your business is being impacted by taking the Quarterly Survey, open now until January 24. Take the survey here
Business Involvement Opportunities
- Exclusively for Tourism Partners: Tourism Experience Development (TED) program – launches in March!
A 3-day workshop program intensive for businesses to develop new tourism experiences and generate more revenue, led by industry expert Deneen Allen of The Firecircle, is launching in March! Discover your opportunity to build onto your business with tourism experiences. Limited to 30 participants – send us a reply email to nbhola@sylvanlake.ca to let us know you’re interested and we’ll follow up with more information and an application shortly.
- Pass-the-Poutine Contest and Cocktail Trail – February 16-19
Enter your restaurant's most creative deliciousness-on-top-of-fries creation into the Pass-the-Poutine contest! Event guests will follow the poutine route, tasting and voting for their favorite! Your restaurant could be crowned winner of the Best Poutine in Town! On the Cocktail Trail, event guests will be encouraged to try out specialty winter cocktail from each restaurant, pub-craw style. Advertised as part of the Ice Dragon Boat Festival
Register your poutine or cocktail by February 9 at visitsylvanlake.ca/poutinecontest (use one form to enter both your poutines and cocktails at the same time). Submissions will be on the menu at visitsylvanlake.ca/icedragonboats
- Share Your Event to the Visit Sylvan Lake events calendar
Add your event to the Visit Sylvan Lake events calendar and tag us in your event posts @visitsylvanlake to be reshared! Submit event details through the online form at visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent anytime
- Event Sponsorships
Want to be involved in sponsoring events? Get in touch with Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca for sponsorship opportunities to advertise your business!
Upcoming Town of Sylvan Lake Special Events
Check the event calendar for full event details at visitylvanlake.ca/events
Sylvan Lake’s popular ice fishing derby returns on January 19 – 21 with a $3,000 grand prize! More cash prizes to be won. Derby is catch and release only. visitsylvanlake.ca/bigjig
- Ice Dragon Boat Festival
Western Canada’s only ice dragon boat festival is back on Family Day long weekend February 16-18! Along with the races, winter favorites like the polar dip, fireworks, and Pass-the-Poutine contest will also be happening. visitsylvanlake.ca/icedragonboats
- The Meltdown
A celebration of Spring’s arrival and closing the cycle of Winter through colorful activities of color throwing, kite flying, music, escape rooms, and outdoor activities on March 23. Details to come at visitsylvanlake.ca/events
Join the TDC! Limited spots still available
The Tourism Development Committee is an advisory committee of Town Council made up of tourism businesses and industry advisors. Work on tourism solutions with the group and Town of Sylvan Lake staff at a monthly meeting on the last Wednesday of the month from 10am-noon. Apply with a brief letter of interest here
Travel Alberta released their Tourism Development Zone Discovery Reports
Sylvan Lake sits within the Olds-Lacombe Tourism Development Zone (TDZ). Travel Alberta’s TDZ plans for the province take a regional approach to product development with the goal of doubling tourism revenue by 2035. Read the Old-Lacombe TDZ Report here.
The Travel Alberta Cooperative Investment Grant Program opens up soon!
Travel Alberta offers tourism grant funding in two annual intakes in spring and fall. For more information and to apply see here. If you have an idea you’d like to run by the municipality, or to request a letter or support or partnership from the municipality, feel free to reach out and have a conversation with our team anytime.
Posted 2024-01-18
Santa Claus Parade Registration is Open!
Join in the fun of the holiday season and register your float, vehicle, or walking group to take part in the annual Santa Claus Parade.
Register online here by November 29.
Posted 2023-10-19
BRC Tickets available for Giveaway!
The Town of Sylvan Lake has a limited number of BRC ticket pairs for businesses to run giveaways over their social channels.
If you’d like to run a Bull Riders Canada Season Finals ticket giveaway on your socials, please email nbhola@sylvanlake.ca. First come first served. Must have a minimum of 500 social media followers per channel.
Posted 2023-10-19
Q3 2023 Survey Now Open!
Your feedback is so important to us and is used to shape future projects, initiatives, and direction for Town staff and for the Tourism Development Committee. Let us know how your business is being impacted by taking the Quarterly Survey, open now until October 27 at noon.
We’re asking you about pay parking, e-scooters, events, social media, public art, construction and more in the survey. This is your opportunity to provide us with regular feedback – provide as much or as little as you would like via the survey!
Posted 2023-10-19
Register for Downtown Trick of Treat
Businesses can participate in downtown trick or treat on October 28 from 1-4pm. Hand out candy in your establishment to the kiddos! Volunteer costume characters will also be on the Pier as Alice in Wonderland characters.
Businesses can email nbhola@sylvanlake.ca to be added to the online treat map at visitsylvanlake.ca/trickortreat by October 25, 2023.
Businesses and organizations located outside of downtown, or without a brick and mortar location are invited to stand along the beachfront and Centennial Street and hand out candy!
Download and print and event poster for your window
Posted 2023-10-11
Tourism Partnership Program Newsletter - September 2023
Click here to read the newsletter
Posted 2023-08-11
Alberta Rural Renewal Stream Program
This program supports businesses in attracting and retaining immigrated employees. Find out more information for employees and employers at Sylvan Lake Rural Renewal Stream - Town of Sylvan Lake
Posted 2023-08-11
Flannel and Feast Sponsorships
Flannel & Feast is full of arts, music, food, and entertainment that celebrates the laidback cabin lifestyle that is quintessentially Sylvan Lake.
Part of Alberta Culture Days, this one-day event celebrates the 3 F’s. Flannel, Facial Hair and Fall!
See the sponsorship package here and contact Channelle Brooker at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
Posted 2023-08-17
BRC Sponsorships
Bull Riders Canada Finals return to Sylvan Lake this November! Get your business seen as being part of the action at this two-day event that showcases the best in national pre-professional bull riding!
See the sponsorship package here and contact Channelle Brooker at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
Posted 2023-08-09
Sylvan Lake Printable Coloring Pages
The Sylvan Lake Art Society partnered with the Town of Sylvan Lake to create 7 Sylvan Lake-themed kids' coloring pages for use at local restaurants and other businesses. Featuring sail boats, mermaids, and sandcastles, each page also has a call to action to online visitor information available through visitsylvanlake.ca.
When visitors are connected to Visit Sylvan Lake, there is a greater opportunity to influence visitor behaviour and visitor spending to maximize positive impact on the community. You can help by printing and using the coloring pages in your local business!
Download printable coloring pages here
Posted 2023-06-23
Central Alberta Agritourism Study
The Central Alberta Tourism Alliance (CATA), including the Town of Sylvan Lake, has completed the regional Agritourism Strategy project it has been working on over the past year. The Strategy aims to diversify Central Alberta’s tourism offering by playing into the region’s natural strengths in agriculture and farming.
Agritourism combines agricultural production industries with education and experiences for visitors. It embraces the agricultural supply chain and food production, farm experiences, plants and animals, culinary opportunities, Albertan heritage and culture, and land stewardship with strong ties to culinary tourism, eco-tourism, and small-farm local production. It can be connected to everything from on-farm, hands-in-the-dirt experiences to elegant long table dinners cooked from curated local food products. Agritourism is incredibly flexible and broad, offering the region’s local producers a wide range of opportunity to expand their customer base and benefit from tourism.
Sylvan Lake is able to benefit from the strong agricultural resources in the surrounding area including Lacombe and Red Deer counties by connecting urban amenities like retailers and restaurants with products made by local producers which adds a depth of richness, understanding, and respect for stewardship of the land as part of the visitor experience. Diversification of the tourism offering also attracts a more responsibly minded, better spending visitor whose consumer behaviors has a lesser detrimental impact on communities than some other types of tourists.
Everybody from retailers f local food, to restaurants, to farm stays or farm experience providers can get involved and more details will come soon!
Posted 2023-06-23
E-Scooters in Sylvan Lake
Sylvan Lake now has e-scooters, expanding transportation opportunities for residents and visitors. Safety is a priority for the program with unique features like geo-fencing, age acceptability, and automatic speed control along with traditional measures like helmets. E-Scooters and support services are brought to town by Neuron Mobility.
Posted 2023-04-13
Lemonade Day comes to Sylvan Lake
Lemonade Day is a youth entrepreneurship program for youth 8-11 to create a business, hands-on. There are opportunities for youth to register for the program and for businesses to sign up to be a Sweet Spot and host a lemonade stand at their location. Lemonade Day will take place August 12, 2023
Posted 2023-05-15
Tourism Partner News - May/June 2023
Share Your Feedback: Q1 2023 Survey is now open until April 20
Provide feedback on Town of Sylvan Lake initiatives that are affecting your business and share your ideas with us! Your feedback is so important to helping ensure that we are developing tourism in alignment with industry needs. Take the survey here
Join the Tourism Development Committee
There are still a couple spots left for new members! Meet with the Town’s tourism team as well as a dedicated group of local business owners to help shape Sylvan Lake’s tourism future together. This is a formal Committee of Council that meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 10am-noon. Apply online with a letter of interest at sylvanlake.ca/boards.
Want to get involved in 1913 Days?
1913 Days celebrates the town’s founding! Find all details about 1913 Days from June 9-11 at visitsylvanlake.ca/1913days
- Check out sponsorship opportunities and advertise your business through the event
- Host your own 1913 Days-themed activity in your business and we’ll add it to the event’s marketing!
Destination Leadership and Management Plan
The Town of Sylvan Lake began work on a 10-year tourism strategic plan in January with public engagement taking place over the quarter. Over 800 stakeholders including both residents and visitors participated in surveys, workshops, and interviews with the project’s Consulting team! Nearly 85% of the project is grant funded through the Government of Canada’s Tourism Relief Fund. The project is in draft stage. Stay tuned at visitsylvanlake.ca/tourism-plan for updates
Posted 2023-04-13
Sponsorship Opportunities at The Meltdown
Help us celebrate Sylvan Lake's 110th birthday under the big top! The Town of Sylvan Lake is seeking sponsors for 1913 Days. Sponsors will be tagged on social media and recognized on the event webpage. Full event details will be available soon at visitsylvanlake.ca/1913days
View available sponsorship opportunities here. For more information and to sponsor, contact cbrooker@sylvanlake
Posted 2023-03-31
You're Invited! Agritourism Strategy Presentation
The Central Alberta Tourism Alliance group of regional communities has been working on an Agritourism Strategy with Expedition Management Consultants, and we want to share it with you!
You are invited to attend a digital meeting on April 4th, 2023 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. We will present the Strategy and provide an opportunity for agritourism businesses to get to know each other.
What activities will happen at the meeting?
The meeting will include the following engaging activities:
- Networking Activity – Show and Tell! Participants will be asked to share their favourite Central Alberta agritourism experience or agricultural product and describe why it is special to them. You are encouraged to show the actual experience/product or bring a photo with you to help bring your story to life!
Presentation – Highlights from the draft Agritourism Development Strategy will be shared with participants.
Implementation Discussion – Opportunities to become involved in implementation will be discussed and participants will be invited to describe how they see themselves contributing.
What will the meeting format be?
The meeting will take place digitally through a remote video conferencing platform. If you would rather phone into the meeting, there will be an option to do that.
How do I register to attend the meeting?
Follow the link below to register for the meeting. You can register right up until the meeting starts, but we encourage you sign up in advance.
Posted 2023-03-16
Sponsorship Opportunities Available: The Meltdown
Sylvan Lake's spring festival is coming back to Sylvan Lake from on March 18!
Get your business' name out as part of the event and support one of the best festivals of the year by becoming an event sponsor.
Posted 2023-03-03
You're Invited! Visioning Session for the 10-Year Tourism Plan
The Town of Sylvan Lake began work on a new 10-year Tourism Plan in 2023! Over the last six weeks, the Consultants leading the project have undertaken public engagement and feedback from residents, businesses, visitors, community groups, and regional and provincial bodies.
They've received tremendous participation, and it’s clear that there is an appetite for participatory, community-centric approaches to local tourism development. In that spirit, we invite you to participate in a Public Visioning Session on March 6 to hear about key findings from the public engagement efforts, and a high-level introduction to the vision for the tourism plan as a result.
Public Visioning Session Dates:
- March 6 from 3pm-5pm at the NexSource Center Multipurpose Rooms. Open to all members of the public
- March 6 from 5:30pm-7:30pm at the NexSource Multipurpose Rooms. Open to all members of the public
Each session will begin with a short presentation. Attendees will then have the chance to ask questions and share their feedback to help refine the vision for the DMP. Interested participants are invited to register here, or simply show up. These events are an opportunity for the community to have their say in the Plan before pen hits paper, and to exercise ownership over Sylvan Lake’s tourism economy.
Posted 2023-02-23
Town of Sylvan Lake launches new 10-Year Tourism Plan Project
The Town of Sylvan Lake is in the process of developing a new 10-year Tourism Destination Management Plan! The long term strategic plan is focused on how we can leverage tourism to be a major contributor to positive community development and how we can plan for sustainable tourism growth and management. This Plan is being developed by the community, and for the community– which means we want to hear from you!
Opportunities to participate:
- You’re Invited to Industry Night! Feb. 9 at 5:30 p.m.
People who work in the hospitality & tourism industry are invited to Industry Night at Wood Shed Axe Throwing, Feb. 9 at 5:30 p.m. The event will include conversation, connection and fun. Only 25 tickets are available, and participation is free. Click here for more details and to register. - Take part in the survey: Residents, business owners, and past & prospective visitors are encouraged to partake in this survey. Residents & visitors will be asked questions about perceptions of Sylvan Lake and opportunities for improvement. Business owners will have an opportunity to share insight about the local labour market. Participants will be entered to win one of six $50 gift certificates. Click here to get started.
- Sign-up to join a workshop: Are you available on Feb. 14, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.? Sign up here to be part of a creative workshopping exercise. Activities will inspire conversations about Sylvan Lake as a place to live, work and play – as it is now, and as you imagine it to be in the future. Lunch will be provided.
- Email your feedback: Interested in a conversation? Let us know by e-mailing tourism@sylvanlake.ca.
- Find us at a local community event! Be on the lookout for our consulting team at the Ice Dragon Boat Festival, Sat., Feb. 11, as well as Winterfest x The BIG JIG on Sat., Feb. 18. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you know who you’re looking for – Terrilyn and Brie are hoping to chat with as many people as possible throughout the days.
- Keep up to date: Updates will be regularly posted on Instagram and Facebook. You can also check-back for news by visiting the dedicated webpage. Have questions, or something to say? E-mail tourism@sylvanlake.ca.
Posted 2023-02-01
An Ice Dragon Boast Festival is coming to town!
An Ice Dragon Boat Festival is coming to town the weekend of February 10, 2023! Having been in the works since 2019 and postponed for several years due to the pandemic, we're so excited to see an awesome shoulder season event like this take place!
There will be lots of opportunities to put together a dragon boating team, become an event sponsor, or be part of the evening activity in your own business.
The Town of Sylvan Lake is in the process of organizing the event and all Tourism Partners will be emailed directly, or can find details posted on this page, as soon as opportunities are available!
What is Ice Dragon Boating? Check it out here
Posted 2022-12-14
Share Your Feedback: Q4 2022 Partnership Survey
Quarterly partnership surveys are available! Your feedback is so important to helping determine tourism priorities for the Town of Sylvan Lake.
Posted 2023-01-12
Winter Events: Business Involvement Opportunities
> Sylvan Lake has a brand-new event: Ice Dragon Boat Races are coming to town February 10-12
- Register a team and find event details at visitsylvanlake.ca/events
- Sponsorships available at all price points! Become an Event Sponsor by contacting cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca
> Winterfest x The BIG JIG returns as the biggest winter festival of the season! February 17-20
- Event details will be posted at visitsylvanlake.ca/events
- Sponsorships available at all price points and for prizes! Become an Event Sponsor by contacting cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca
> Pass-the-Poutine Contest returns! Extended dates during winter events: Now from February 10-20
Enter your restaurant's most creative deliciousness-on-top-of-fries creation into the Pass-the-Poutine contest! Event guests will follow the poutine route, tasting poutines from each participating restaurant and vote for their favourite. Your restaurant could be crowned winner of the Best Poutine in Town! Last year’s contest generated at least $3300 in total sales for participating businesses. Congrats to last year’s winner- Lodge 43 for their Breakfast Benny Poutine! Advertised as part of the Ice Dragon Boat Festival and Winterfest x The BIG JIG
Enter the contest by February 1. Registration for the Pass-the-Poutine Contest and Cocktail Trail opens January 13 at visitsylvanlake.ca/poutinecontest (use one form to enter both your poutines and cocktails at the same time)
> New: Cocktail Trail from February 10-20
Break out your ice-cold winter cocktail creations for the curated Cocktail Trail menu! Event guests will be encouraged to try out drinks from each restaurant, pub-crawl style. Advertised as part of the Ice Dragon Boat Festival and Winterfest x The BIG JIG
Add your cocktail to the menu here by February 1. Registration for the Pass-the-Poutine Contest and Cocktail Trail opens January 13 at visitsylvanlake.ca/poutinecontest (use one form to enter both your poutines and cocktails at the same time)
> Host a Band Opportunity – for Tourism Partners Only!
Host a band in your venue on the weekends of the winter events and the Town of Sylvan Lake will reimburse 50% of the cost up to $400! Last year’s hosts had great feedback about hosting bands. Spaces are limited, first come first served.
Apply by February 1. Registration for the Host a Band Opportunity opens 10am January 13 at visitsylvanlake.ca/bandhost
> Host your own event
Want to host your own winter-themed event during the festivities? Let us know the details and it will be advertised as part of the weekend’s activities! Share your event information to our calendar here
Posted 2023-01-12
Join the Tourism Development Committee
The Tourism Development Committee is a brand new Committee of Council for 2023!
Work in partnership with the Town and community stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that will support community-beneficial tourism and contribute to the strong and vibrant growth of the destination through tourism industry development, tourism product development, and destination development initiative.
Members of the committee are not required to have a residence in Sylvan Lake.
Members will be appointed in staggered one to two year terms.
Posted 2023-01-05
2023 Discover Sylvan Lake Visitor's Guide
BIG NEWS: the Town of Sylvan Lake has partnered with the Sylvan Lake News to produce the 2023 summer edition of the Discover Sylvan Lake visitor’s guide!
In response to requests from Tourism Partners about different kinds of printed materials they’d like to see circulated, we’re so excited to join forces with the News and be able to connect Discover Sylvan Lake with Visit Sylvan Lake’s visitor information services to collectively promote it as Sylvan Lake’s official visitor’s guide and a must-read for any traveller!
This is your chance to be involved in the process and help let us know what kind of content might be most valuable to visitors and to your business. Sylvan Lake’s business community is on the front lines of interacting with visitors and able to hear from visitors directly. We’re looking for really interesting stories and experiences that can build the depth of understanding of what’s so special about Sylvan Lake. Don’t be afraid to share ideas! The pool of ideas will be sifted through for fit and narrowed down afterwards.
If you have ideas for stories either directly related to your business, or any general ideas, please use the link here to submit ideas by December 13.
Keep an eye out in the coming months for ad rates in the 2023 summer edition of Discover Sylvan Lake. To book ad space for your business in the visitor’s guide, reach out to the Sylvan Lake News directly.
Posted 2022-12-05
Travel Alberta Tourism Town Hall - in Sylvan Lake!
Travel Alberta is hosting their annual regional Tourism Town Hall in Sylvan Lake this year!
Join David Goldstein, CEO, Travel Alberta; Darren Reeder, CEO, Tourism Industry Association of Alberta (TIAA); and Shae Bird, CEO, Indigenous Tourism Alberta (ITA) for an insightful panel discussion about the power of partnerships and collaboration in the tourism industry.
Learn more about:
- How Travel Alberta, ITA and TIAA are working together to create success for the province’s visitor economy
- How tourism, as a key driver for social and economic development, has the power to improve communities, create jobs, preserve nature and culture, and enhance residents' quality of life.
- Alberta’s new Tourism Development Zones and how they will help shape the future of tourism in this province
- Local opportunities for growth, challenges, and nuances in your area.
Free, spaces are limited and pre-registration is required. More information and register here
Posted 2022-11-17
What is Agritourism?
Agritourism provides the opportunity for those farther removed from farm and food production to experience, understand, and immerse themselves in discovering the agriculture and culinary experiences of a region. Farm tours, markets, country fairs, and local food production are all part of understanding places and deepening connection to culture and environment.
Who’s involved in the project?
The Town of Sylvan Lake is working with a collective of other Central Alberta regional communities as well as Expedition Management Consulting to develop a roadmap for maximizing agritourism’s potential in our region. Businesses like yours are invited to participate in providing feedback so that industry needs and insights guide the project.
How can YOU be involved?
Consider yourself invited to take part in the development of the Agritourism Strategy and learn how agritourism can benefit your business. Learn more and take the survey here and feel free to forward the link onto any other Central Alberta vendors or partners you may have in the agricultural or culinary sector.
Posted 2022-11-01
Santa Claus Parade Registration Now Open!
Show off your community spirit by entering the Santa Claus Parade with a decorated vehicle, float, or walking group!
Registration open until November 23 at 4pm. Register online here
Posted 2022-10-20
Share Your Feedback: Q3 Tourism Partnership Survey July - September 2022
Quarterly Tourism Partnership Surveys are available! Survey closes October 27.
Posted 2022-10-21
BRC Window Painting | Registration Opens Oct 24 at 9am
Bull Riders Canada Season Finals and concert series is coming to Sylvan Lake November 17-19!
Get your business' window painted in a Western theme and celebrate BRC across Sylvan Lake! Event guests will be encouraged to visit shops and restaurants like yours throughout the weekend.
Window painting takes place from November 2-4. First come first served, limited spots available. Open to businesses located in the Town of Sylvan Lake only. Registration opens October 24 at 9am. Register via online form here
Posted 2022-10-20
Downtown Trick or Treat | October 29
Downtown Trick or Treat will be held from 1-4pm pm on Saturday, October 29. Businesses along the 50 Street, Lakeshore Drive, 46 Street, and 50 Avenue route are encouraged to participate!
Get your candy ready for the spooktacular trick-or-treaters that are sure to be stopping by!
The decision to move Downtown Trick or Treat to the Saturday was made by the Waterfront Commercial district Committee in the hopes that more businesses would be open than on Monday, October 31. The Committee has also allocated funds for roving entertainment to add some more pizzazz to this year's event!
To register your business to appear on the Downtown Trick or Treat Map by emailing nyoung@sylvanlake.ca
Find full information on Sylvan Lake's Halloween celebrations at visitsylvanlake.ca/trickortreat
Posted 2022-10-18
Business Involvement Opportunity: Alberta Day September 3
The Alberta Government has created a new holiday and provided funding to projects around the province that celebrate Alberta. Sylvan Lake will hold its Alberta Day celebration on September 3!
If your business sells or makes Alberta-made products, get involved by running a sales promotion or hosting your own event in your business focused on what made right here at home!
Share event details with us at visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent and it will be able to add it into the event marketing.
Posted 2022-08-25
Tourism Partnership August/September Newsletter
Download your copy of the August/September Newsletter!
The newsletter features select upcoming information and business involvement opportunities for businesses. All information is posted to the Industry webpage at visitsylvnalake.ca/industry
Posted 2022-07-21
Flannel & Feast | September 24
Calling all plaid enthusiasts! Get your lumberjack on with arts, music, food, and entertainment that celebrates the laidback cabin lifestyle that is quintessentially Sylvan Lake.
Live Music Sponsorship
Stage sponsors for the Flannel & Feast stage are available! Interested sponsors can contact Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca
Hay Bale Hunt Sponsor
Kids looooove the Hay Bale Hunt! (Who doesn't love a hay bale maze filled with candy??)
Become a candy sponsor for the maze and donate goodies tot eh Hay Bale Hunt! Contact Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
Posted 2022-07-21
CulinART! | September 9 4:30-9pm
CulinART! Showcases the best of food, drink, art, and music in Sylvan Lake with a downtown walking tour experience.
Event takes place September 9 from 4:30-9pm.
The walking route takes place on 50 Street, 50 Avenue, Lakeshore Drive, and 46 Street. Non-downtown restaurants not located on that route can still participate by setting up a booth in the Off the Eaten Path area
>Downtown Restaurant Registration | Closes August 25
Showcase up to FOUR of your signature dishes, trial menu items, or mini drinks! Event guests will redeem tickets in exchange for menu items.
Register and find full details here
Tips for success:
- The sky's the limit! Showcase your best-selling signature dishes, launch something new, test out a new menu item, or create adorable mini-versions worthy of a photo moment
- Use ingredients you already have to help keep costs low
- Prepare items in advance where possible for speedy service
- Dedicate a table and staff member to collect tickets and serve banquet-style during the event
- Use disposable dishes and utensils where possible to allow guests to wander between culinary and art stops
- Keep portions small, so guests will have room to try something from each restaurant
- Price items at whole dollar amounts between $1-$7. 1 ticket = $1.
- Let your staff know that they should initial Walking Guides. Guests with fully initialed walking guides can enter to win prizes!
- Keep all the food tickets you collect; do not lose or misplace them. Redeem for reimbursement from the Town of Sylvan Lake. The Town is unable to reimburse for any tickets not presented after the event
- Connect with the event on social media and tag us in your posts @visitsylvanlake
>Non-Downtown Restaurant Registration | Closes August 20
Set up a booth in the Off the Eaten Path area downtown to take part in CulinART! Limited spaces available. A canopy tent is provided. You will bring your own table, staff, and food service tools, and culinary creations!
Register here AND email an AHS Form to Nathan at nyoung@sylvanlake.ca. Alberta Health Services approval is required to participate.
>Artist Registration | August 31
Artists can showcase, vend, or host an interactive demonstration or workshop. If vending, a $50 vendor fee applies.
>Donate a CulinART! Prize
Any business can donate a prize item of a minimum $50 value for CulinART! Event guests will fully initialed Walking Guides can enter to win great prizes at the end of the night. Walking Guides are meant to help guests try something from every restaurant. Contact Nathan at nyoung@sylvanlake.ca to donate a prize
>Music Sponsorship
Help bring live music to CulinART! Interested sponsors can contact Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca
Posted 2022-07-21
Sylvan Lake Souvenir Merchandise Available for Order
In response to a desire for “Sylvan Lake” souvenirs from local businesses, the Town of Sylvan Lake has created several merchandise items that are available for resale. Postcards, stickers and several other small items are available.
Images, cost, and suggested retail price of items is listed on the order form. The cost passed along to businesses only covers the cost of the product and administration time. Items will be reserved as the orders are received, as limited quantities are available.
Completed order forms can be emailed to nbhola@sylvanlake.ca or drop off at the NexSource Centre reception desk at 4823 49 Avenue. Payment is due upon pickup at the NexSource Center.
Posted 2022-05-25
Updated 2022-07-21
Visitor Information Wall and Business Pamphlets
Did you know the NexSource Centre does double duty as visitor information services? To create a greater presence for visitor services, a wall in the NexSource Centre will be dedicated to holding visitor information pamphlets. Physical materials help to reach new customer markets and also creates new opportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers.
Bring your pamphlets and promotional materials down to the NexSource Centre reception desk at anytime. They will be added to the visitor wall once installation is complete.
Posted 2022-04-27
CATA Agritourism Strategy
The Town of Sylvan Lake is part of the Central Alberta Tourism Alliance (CATA), a group of communities that works together on destination development projects at a regional scale. For 2022, the CATA group is undertaking an agritourism study that looks at the opportunity of each community and the area in being a destination for agritourism. Agritourism focuses on local food production, farm experiences, local supply chains, and locally made food and drink.
Updates on the project will be communicated on this page at visitsylvalake.ca/industry
Posted 2022-04-27
Window decals available | Pride Week August 7-13
A limited number of window decals are available for businesses to display during Pride Week from August 7-13, created by the Sylvan Lake Impact Youth Coalition in partnership with the Central Alberta Pride Society. Window decals consist of a pride flag heart with the slogan #lovesylvanlake and rainbow with the same slogan on it.
The goal with these window decals is to encourage a welcoming and safe atmosphere for the LGBTQ2+ community in Sylvan Lake.
Businesses interested in having decals hung up in their establishment can please email Youth Services Coordinator Jordyn Bell at jbell@sylvanlake.ca.
Posted 2022-08-04
Lakeshore Drive Pedestrian Area Reopening to Traffic
On the morning of Tuesday, August 2, 2022, the Lakeshore Drive pedestrian area is reopening to vehicle traffic.
- Read more about the Lakeshore Drive Pedestrian Area Reopening
- Learn more about the Lakeshore Drive Pedestrian Area
Posted 2022-07-27
Share Your Feedback: Q2 Tourism Partnership Survey April - June 2022
Quarterly Tourism Partnership Surveys are available! Survey closes July 24.
Posted 2022-07-15
NEW! Destination Positioning Strategy
The Destination Positioning Strategy was accepted by Council on June 27 and is an identity-defining differentiation strategy for the destination as well as a tourism marketing creative that pins down how Sylvan Lake can stand out and be recognizable among other top Albertan and Canadian destinations.
Destination positioning means creating a particular impression about the destination in the minds of the tourist. To ensure the vibrancy of the community, it was important for positioning to be alignment with the authentic spirit of our community.
The Strategy identifies both physical characteristics of the destination that are critical to Sylvan Lake's competitive advantage as well as the intangible feeling, or "lake town vibe," that is the primary emotional component for visitors.
Read the Destination Positioning Strategy here
Posted 2022-07-15
Lakeshore Drive Closure June 21-September 5
Update: The resource links below have been updated. Please note the Lakeshore Drive Road Closure will be in place every day all summer from June 21 - September 5.
On May 9, 2022 Council approved a full summer road closure of Lakeshore Drive from 50 Street to 46 Street from June 21-September 5 to enhance the experience for both residents and visitors within the downtown. Businesses within the closure area have the opportunity to apply to host a temporary sidewalk cafe.
For businesses within the closure area: Download a temporary sidewalk cafe application package
Posted 2022-06-01
Updated 2022-06-02
Participate in Alberta on the Plate
Alberta on the Plate is an externally organized event that showcases agri-tourism and culinary tourism across the province during the week of August 12-21. Restaurants, hotels, and breweries are invited to participate and list themselves as part of the event.
Find out more information below:
> Alberta on the Plate Website
Posted 2022-05-25
Discover Sylvan Lake 2022 Visitor's Guide Now Available!
The 2022 Discover Sylvan Lake visitors guides is now available! Order copies for your business and guests and help them find the best of what Sylvan Lake has to offer. Order by contacting the Sylvan Lake News at 403 887 2331.
Posted 2022-05-16
Indigenous Tourism Alberta Cultural Awareness Training
Indigenous Tourism Alberta is hosting cultural awareness training at Rainy Creek Ranch May 31, at no cost to attend.
This full-day immersive workshop is aimed at helping those working in the tourism industry to understand working with Indigenous communities and Indigenous tourism businesses local to the area.
The workshop touches on history and cultural understanding with a focus on Indigenous tourism and the responsibility to promote authentic experiences.
- View the agenda here
- Register here and review this video before the workshops.
- Be sure to read the preparation notes beforehand
Rainy Creek Ranch is located off Highway 20 on Rainy Creek Road near Range Road 14, and can be contacted at 403 872 2557
For any questions, reach out to renee@indigenoustourismalberta.ca or mackenzie@indegenoustourismalberta.ca for more information
Posted 2022-05-05
Seeking sponsors for Movies at the Beach
The Town of Sylvan Lake is looking for sponsors to help bring back Movies at the Beach, the popular Thursday outdoor movie series in Centennial Park. There are eight potential movie spots available throughout the summer at a sponsor value of $1,500 each.
Businesses or groups of businesses interested in sponsoring will be given the option to have a vending spot during the sponsored movie.
For more details and to sponsor, please reach out to Special Event Coordinator Nathan Young at nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192.
Posted 2022-04-29
Short Term Rentals and Accommodations (STAR) Bylaw
On April 25, Sylvan Lake Town Council approved the Short Term Rentals and Accommodations (STAR) bylaw. The bylaw was created to:
- Address lodging shortages and contribute to the local economy
- Make sure all STARs meet safety and quality standards
- Help and guide STARs business owners
- Make the application process easier and faster
- Allow secondary suites and garage suites as STARs
- Clarify regulations
- Safeguard adjacent property owners
- Set STARs owners up for success
For more information and resources for guests and hosts, see sylvanlake.ca/star
Posted 2022-04-27
Sylvan Lake Theatre Trails looking for locations!
The Sylvan Lake Theatre Trails group is working in partnership with the Waterfront Commercial District (WCD) Committee and Town of Sylvan Lake to bring an immersive theatre experience to town! Groups of 12-15 people will begin at the downtown trailhead, stopping at different locations to experience a short play.
Businesses can be involved as locations for one of the plays. Plays will be written to fit that location. Theatre Trails is set to debut in September 2022!
Find out more information on Theatre Trails here
Contact Tanya Ryga of the Theatre Trails group to be involved at theatretrail@gmail.com or 403 313 1380
Posted 2022-04-27
1913 Days Business Involvement Opportunities
Show off your Sylvan Lake spirit by getting involved in 1913 Days! There are lots of opportunities for businesses to be a part of Sylvan Lake’s 109th birthday.
>Provide a Soap Box Derby Prize
The soap box derby is looking for kids prizes! Youngsters will compete in their homemade soap box cars for titles including top three fastest cars, driver of the future, and most creative car. Minimum $50 prize value.
Email tbradshaw@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
>Mystery Towns Scavenger Hunt
Super sleuths love this downtown scavenger hunt! Guided by clues on the app, players discover history, art, and explore the downtown core. Businesses along the game route can offer promotions embedded into the game for players to enjoy on their breaks.
Offers should be simple and concise, and must be available for the duration of the year. Limit of three offers per clue location, first come first served. Mystery Towns is available all year and is relaunching at 1913 Days.
Email nbhola@sylvanlake.ca with your business’ offer by June 1
> 1913 Days Sidewalk Sale
Put out a rack of your best product, prop your door open, and invite in passersby for a boutique shopping experience! There’s nothing like a sidewalk sale to kick off the summer. Participating businesses will be added to the event map.
Open to all businesses in all locations. Registration required. Businesses will be added to the event map and
Register at visitsylvanlake.ca/sidewalksale by June 1
> Host Your Own 1913 Days Event
Host your own 1913 Days-themed event in your business! Your event will be included in the 1913 Days event marketing, helping to drive customers to your location.
Share your event’s details at
visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent by June 1, 2022
> Enter the 1913 Days Parade
Parade registrations are officially open! Walk or roll through town and wave to the crowds at the parade. Be sure to bring candy to hand out and do your best to pick a themed decade for your float. Awards will be given for best float!
Register at visitsylvanlake.ca/paraderegistration by June 8, 2022
Updated 2022-05-02
Posted 2022-04-27
What We Heard | Q1 2022 Tourism Partner Survey
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q1 2022 Quarterly Survey:
- Water safety concerns: the need for patrolling the water or volunteer/community patrol
- Town events are useful in providing activities for renters
- Extremely limited traffic on Centennial Street in the winter months. These months pose a significant challenge
- Need for façade and street improvements on Centennial Street
- Need for incentives to fill vacant storefronts, such as Win this Space
- Businesses can help each other by recommending other businesses to their customers
- Businesses enjoy seeing their events shared on the Visit Sylvan Lake website, and find great value in Visit Sylvan Lake resharing their social media posts
- Need to facilitate tourists off the beachfront and through other areas in town
- Visitor behavior concerns: use of private business restrooms without spending money, leaving trash on private property, and parking in free private lots to avoid pay parking
- Use of BBQs on the beach prevents money being spent in town. Tents block the lake view and limit the use of the beachfront from easy access for everyone
- Events hosted by businesses are bringing in traffic and are finding traction in reaching customers online
- Winterfest x The BIG JIG created increase in traffic and sales for businesses
- Desire to see more events on Centennial Street, horse and carriage rides throughout the summer, as well as bands
- Visitors are looking for quality souvenirs
- Accommodation guests may visit the Winter Village but do not come to Sylvan Lake specifically for it
Tourism HR Propel Student Work Placement Program
In partnership with the Government of Canada, Tourism HR's Propel Program offers work-integrated-education opportunities for students and up to a $7,500 wage subsidy per hire for employers.
This is a great opportunity for tourism businesses that are already hiring post-secondary students. For full information, to post jobs, and apply for the subsidy, find more information about the Tourism HR Propel Program here
Posted 2022-04-22
Travel Alberta Grants
Travel Alberta is offering their 2022 grants under their Tourism Investment Program offering 5 grant stream opportunities:
- Cooperative Investment Fund, Rural Development and Promotion
- Cooperative Investment Fund, Events and Festivals
- Product Development Fund, Growth
- Product Development Fund, Innovation
- Product Development Fund, Incubator
Find the grant program that best fits with your business goals here
Posted 2022-04-01
Government of Canada Digital Adoption Program
The Government of Canada has launched the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CADP), designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises boost their e-commerce presence and digitize. The program provides funding, expertise to businesses, and training and work opportunities. Accelerated digitization is a key macroenvironmental trend affecting the tourism industry for years to come. The program offers two streams of support:
- Grow Your Business Online
- Boost Your Business Technology
Businesses wanting to take the first steps to go digital, or seeking out ways to maximize digital opportunities can find more information on the CDAP here
Posted 2022-03-07
New project seeking feedback! | Destination Positioning Project
The Town of Sylvan Lake has undertaken a new Destination Positioning project focused on identifying Sylvan Lake's unique position among Alberta's top destinations and how to best communicate that, as well as identify real and ideal visitor markets and travel motivations. Provide your feedback below via online survey. Your data will remain confidential and your privacy will be protected.
Click here to access the survey
Q4 2021 Partnership Survey | What We Heard
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q4 Quarterly Survey:
- value in recognizing niche markets
- desire to see initiatives have more of a trickle-down effect out to other areas including Centennial Street
- desire for shopping initiatives
- water/watercraft enforcement concerns
- hesitancy to travel; anticipating the desire for stay-cations to continue
Digital Economy Programs | Buisness Link
The Digital Economy Program were designed to support small businesses in Alberta with digital transformation and is supported by Business Link
1. ShopHERE
A program that provides independent small businesses and artists with a quick, easy and no-cost way to get selling online right away. Find help to configure an online store and learn how to manage it. For more information and to sign up click here
2. Digital Service Squad
Access to one-on-one assistance for small businesses across Alberta with the adoption of technology. Durate your digital storefront, set up a Google Maps listing, build a community on social, and open an online store. For more information click here
For more information on Digital Economy Programs, contact Amanda Mercer, Economic Development Officer for the Town of Sylvan Lake at 403 887 2141.
Posted 2022-01-26
Annual Partnership Meeting Follow-up
Thank you to everyone who joined us for last night's meeting! Find a copy of the PowerPoint slides for download here
Posted 2022-01-26
Winterfest x The BIG JIG | Now accepting giveaways at the event grounds
Businesses or organizations wanting to be located at the event grounds who are not vending are now permitted to take part in Winterfest x The BIG JIG by placing themselves under a canopy tent at the festival grounds. This opportunity is available to organizations who:
- Are not selling; giving away items or information only
- Any giveaway items may not be in conflict with other businesses already located in the nearby festival area
To take part in this part of the event please call Nathan Young, Special Events Coordinator at 403 887 1192
Winterfest x The BIG JIG Business Involvement Opportunities
Sylvan Lake's highly successful Winterfest and The BIG JIG events are BACK! They're joining forces to become one super-charged mega-festival celebrating winter at the lake. Featuring outdoor winter activities, ice fishing tournament, Pass-the-Poutine contest, kids activity zone, ice slide, ice maze, and so much more. It's the biggest winter event of the year!
There are so many ways for businesses to get involved at any dollar amount. Leverage the event to benefit your business!
- Cash Prizes: Cash prize sponsorships are available for amounts between $300-$3000! BIG JIG cash prizes are awarded for:
- Longest Catch Overall
- Longest of each Species: Perch, Burbot, Whitefish, and Walleye
- First Catch of the Day: on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
- Cash Prize Draws
- Random Prize Draws: Ice fishing tournament participants will be randomly drawn as winners throughout the weekend. Random Prize winners will receive tangible products or gift cards of a minimum value of $50. Random Prizes help keep tournament participants engaged and encourage them to stay and fish longer throughout the weekend.
Sponsors will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/BIGJIG and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. For more information and to sponsor a cash prize or a random prize contact nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 512 by January 21, 2022
Enter your restaurant's most creative deliciousness-on-top-of-fries creation into the Pass-the-Poutine contest! Event guests will follow the poutine route, tasting poutines from each participating restaurant and vote for their favourite. Your restaurant could be crowned winner of the Best Poutine in Town! Congratulations to last year's winner, Bamboo Hut for their Spicy Pad Thai Poutine
Sponsors will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Enter the contest online at visitsylvanlake.ca/poutinecontest by February 11, 2022
Winterfest is jam-packed with fun winter activities. Your business can get its name out there and be recognized as part of the event by sponsoring one of the Winterfest activities or an activity zone!
Sponsors will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Sponsor logos will be featured on in-person signage at the event activity. For more information and to sponsor a Winterfest activity contact nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 512 by January 21, 2022
The Town of Sylvan Lake is looking for three restaurants or bars to host a band on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings as part of the event. Live music is a great way to finish off a day of chilly winter activities paired with a warm meal and a good drink!
The Town of Sylvan Lake will reimburse accepted restaurants up to 50% of the cost of the band up to a maximum of $400. Restaurants must be Tourism Partners before applying to host a band, and host a minimum 2 hour performance beginning between the hours of 7pm-11pm. Accepted restaurants must host a different band on a different night from other accepted restaurants. Band choice is at the option of the restaurant. First come first served. Accepted restaurants must receive a Confirmation Email specifying acceptance prior to booking a band.
Hosts will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Registration at visitsylvanlake.ca/bandhost or by calling 403 887 1192 ext 527. Closes January 21, 2022.
Host your own Winterfest x The BIG JIG-themed event in your business! Your event will be included in the Winterfest x The BIG JIG event marketing, helping to drive customers to your location. Please note that single business sales events are not eligible, this opportunity is suited for activities and experiences. Reach out if you're looking for help with your event idea at nbhola@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 527.
Events will be posted on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Submit your event online at visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent by January 21, 2022
Updated 2021-12-10
Online Video Meeting | January 25, 2022 | 6:30 – 8:30pm
Mark your calendars! The first Annual Partnership meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, January 25 from 6:30 - 8:30pm and you're invited!
Thank you for being part of helping to build our community into a vibrant Alberta travel destination. We so look forward to working with our business community through the Tourism Partnership Program and gaining insights from tourism industry leaders in Sylvan Lake.
Join us for our first Annual Partnership Meeting as we recap the Tourism Partnership Program in 2021 and look forward to 2022! The Meeting will include short presentations and discussions with information from tourism, special events, and economic development provided by Town of Sylvan Lake staff.
While we hope to host Annual Partnership Meetings in-person in the future, please join us for this year’s meeting online by clicking the link below:
Click here to join the meeting
For questions or help connecting to the meeting, please contact nbhola@sylvanlake.ca
Winter and Shoulder Season Tourism Toolkit | Tourism Industry Association of Canada
The TIAC has unveiled a Toolkit for thinking about and developing winter and shoulder season tourism products.
Alberta winters are long lasting and present an opportunity to create unique tourism products that celebrate the season.
For assistance with developing off-season activities for your business, check out the Toolkit below or get in touch with us for other resources such as personalized assistance directly from Travel Alberta.
> Winter and Shoulder Season Tourism Toolkit


1. Be involved in a Town of Sylvan Lake event
Many Town of Sylvan Lake events have opportunities for businesses to be involved as part of activities, as hosts for activities, or as sponsors. Check out the Business Involvement Opportunities section for a full list!
2. Piggy-back and host a complementary activity
3. Host your own event anytime!

Events Calendar
What is the impact of tourism in Sylvan Lake?
$75 Milion
In 2014, the total economic impact of tourism in Sylvan Lake was nearly $75 million.
600 Jobs
Tourism created 600 jobs in the community which hosted over 761,000 visitors throughout the year spending an average of $35.17 per person per day.
Read more from the 2014 Economic Impact Assessment of Tourism
Business Involvement Opportunities
Be involved in Town of Sylvan Lake tourism initiatives! See a full listing of ways to be directly involved below and find the opportunities that best fit with what your business has to offer and can benefit from. Some opportunities have limited capacity, so check back often!
Join the Tourism Development Committee
Work in partnership with the Town and community stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that will support community-beneficial tourism and contribute to the strong and vibrant growth of the destination through tourism industry development, tourism product development, and destination development initiative.
Posted 2023-02-01
Visitor Information Wall and Business Pamphlets
Did you know the NexSource Centre does double duty as visitor information services? To create a greater presence for visitor services, a wall in the NexSource Centre will be dedicated to holding visitor information pamphlets. Physical materials help to reach new customer markets and also creates new opportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers.
Bring your pamphlets and promotional materials down to the NexSource Centre reception desk at anytime. They will be added to the visitor wall once installation is complete.
Posted 2022-04-27
Consider Yourself Invited: Indigenous Tourism Alberta Working Group
The Town of Sylvan Lake has been working with Indigenous Tourism Alberta (ITA) and other Indigenous operators in our community to celebrate, commemorate, and share Indigenous heritage, culture, and way of life in our community.
Businesses which are Indigenous-owned, serve an Indigenous community, or have an interest in creating experiences that explore Indigenous culture, are encouraged to be part of the conversation with the Town and ITA and are invited to reach out to us at nbhola@sylvanlake.ca
Posted 2022-08-25
Business Involvement Opportunity: Alberta Day September 3
The Alberta Government has created a new holiday and provided funding to projects around the province that celebrate Alberta. Sylvan Lake will hold its Alberta Day celebration on September 3!
If your business sells or makes Alberta-made products, get involved by running a sales promotion or hosting your own event in your business focused on what made right here at home!
Share event details with us at visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent and it will be able to add it into the event marketing.
Posted 2022-08-25
Flannel & Feast | September 24
Calling all plaid enthusiasts! Get your lumberjack on with arts, music, food, and entertainment that celebrates the laidback cabin lifestyle that is quintessentially Sylvan Lake.
Live Music Sponsorship
Stage sponsors for the Flannel & Feast stage are available! Interested sponsors can contact Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca
Hay Bale Hunt Sponsor
Kids looooove the Hay Bale Hunt! (Who doesn't love a hay bale maze filled with candy??)
Become a candy sponsor for the maze and donate goodies tot eh Hay Bale Hunt! Contact Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
Posted 2022-07-21
CulinART! | September 9 4:30-9pm
CulinART! Showcases the best of food, drink, art, and music in Sylvan Lake with a downtown walking tour experience.
Event takes place September 9 from 4:30-9pm.
The walking route takes place on 50 Street, 50 Avenue, Lakeshore Drive, and 46 Street. Non-downtown restaurants not located on that route can still participate by setting up a booth in the Off the Eaten Path area
>Downtown Restaurant Registration | Closes August 25
Showcase up to FOUR of your signature dishes, trial menu items, or mini drinks! Event guests will redeem tickets in exchange for menu items.
Register and find full details here
Tips for success:
- The sky's the limit! Showcase your best-selling signature dishes, launch something new, test out a new menu item, or create adorable mini-versions worthy of a photo moment
- Use ingredients you already have to help keep costs low
- Prepare items in advance where possible for speedy service
- Dedicate a table and staff member to collect tickets and serve banquet-style during the event
- Use disposable dishes and utensils where possible to allow guests to wander between culinary and art stops
- Keep portions small, so guests will have room to try something from each restaurant
- Price items at whole dollar amounts between $1-$7. 1 ticket = $1.
- Let your staff know that they should initial Walking Guides. Guests with fully initialed walking guides can enter to win prizes!
- Keep all the food tickets you collect; do not lose or misplace them. Redeem for reimbursement from the Town of Sylvan Lake. The Town is unable to reimburse for any tickets not presented after the event
- Connect with the event on social media and tag us in your posts @visitsylvanlake
>Non-Downtown Restaurant Registration | Closes August 20
Set up a booth in the Off the Eaten Path area downtown to take part in CulinART! Limited spaces available. A canopy tent is provided. You will bring your own table, staff, and food service tools, and culinary creations!
Register here AND email an AHS Form to Nathan at nyoung@sylvanlake.ca. Alberta Health Services approval is required to participate.
>Artist Registration | August 31
Artists can showcase, vend, or host an interactive demonstration or workshop. If vending, a $50 vendor fee applies.
>Donate a CulinART! Prize
Any business can donate a prize item of a minimum $50 value for CulinART! Event guests will fully initialed Walking Guides can enter to win great prizes at the end of the night. Walking Guides are meant to help guests try something from every restaurant. Contact Nathan at nyoung@sylvanlake.ca to donate a prize
>Music Sponsorship
Help bring live music to CulinART! Interested sponsors can contact Channelle at cbrooker@sylvanlake.ca
Posted 2022-07-21
Sylvan Lake Theatre Trails looking for locations!
The Sylvan Lake Theatre Trails group is working in partnership with the Waterfront Commercial District (WCD) Committee and Town of Sylvan Lake to bring an immersive theatre experience to town! Groups of 12-15 people will begin at the downtown trailhead, stopping at different locations to experience a short play.
Businesses can be involved as locations for one of the plays. Plays will be written to fit that location. Theatre Trails is set to debut in September 2022!
Find out more information on Theatre Trails here
Contact Tanya Ryga of the Theatre Trails group to be involved at theatretrail@gmail.com or 403 313 1380
Posted 2022-04-27
1913 Days Business Involvement Opportunities
Show off your Sylvan Lake spirit by getting involved in 1913 Days! There are lots of opportunities for businesses to be a part of Sylvan Lake’s 109th birthday.
>Provide a Soap Box Derby Prize
The soap box derby is looking for kids prizes! Youngsters will compete in their homemade soap box cars for titles including top three fastest cars, driver of the future, and most creative car. Minimum $50 prize value.
Email tbradshaw@sylvanlake.ca to sponsor
> Mystery Towns Scavenger Hunt
Super sleuths love this downtown scavenger hunt! Guided by clues on the app, players discover history, art, and explore the downtown core. Businesses along the game route can offer promotions embedded into the game for players to enjoy on their breaks.
Offers should be simple and concise, and must be available for the duration of the year. Limit of three offers per clue location, first come first served. Mystery Towns is available all year and is relaunching at 1913 Days.
Email nbhola@sylvanlake.ca with your business’ offer by June 1
> 1913 Days Sidewalk Sale
Put out a rack of your best product, prop your door open, and invite in passersby for a boutique shopping experience! There’s nothing like a sidewalk sale to kick off the summer. Participating businesses will be added to the event map.
Open to all businesses in all locations. Registration required. Businesses will be added to the event map and
Register at visitsylvanlake.ca/sidewalksale by June 1
> Host Your Own 1913 Days Event
Host your own 1913 Days-themed event in your business! Your event will be included in the 1913 Days event marketing, helping to drive customers to your location.
Share your event’s details at
visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent by June 1, 2022
> Enter the 1913 Days Parade
Parade registrations are officially open! Walk or roll through town and wave to the crowds at the parade. Be sure to bring candy to hand out and do your best to pick a themed decade for your float. Awards will be given for best float!
Register at visitsylvanlake.ca/paraderegistration by June 8, 2022
Posted 2022-04-27
Winterfest x The BIG JIG | Now accepting giveaways at the event grounds
Businesses or organizations wanting to be located at the event grounds who are not vending are now permitted to take part in Winterfest x The BIG JIG by placing themselves under a canopy tent at the festival grounds. This opportunity is available to organizations who:
- Are not selling; giving away items or information only
- Any giveaway items may not be in conflict with other businesses already located in the nearby festival area
To take part in this part of the event please call Nathan Young, Special Events Coordinator at 403 887 1192
Winterfest x The BIG JIG Business Involvement Opportunities
Sylvan Lake's highly successful Winterfest and The BIG JIG events are BACK! They're joining forces to become one super-charged mega-festival celebrating winter at the lake. Featuring outdoor winter activities, ice fishing tournament, Pass-the-Poutine contest, kids activity zone, ice slide, ice maze, and so much more. It's the biggest winter event of the year!
There are so many ways for businesses to get involved at any dollar amount. Leverage the event to benefit your business!
- Cash Prizes: Cash prize sponsorships are available for amounts between $300-$3000! BIG JIG cash prizes are awarded for:
- Longest Catch Overall
- Longest of each Species: Perch, Burbot, Whitefish, and Walleye
- First Catch of the Day: on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
- Cash Prize Draws
- Random Prize Draws: Ice fishing tournament participants will be randomly drawn as winners throughout the weekend. Random Prize winners will receive tangible products or gift cards of a minimum value of $50. Random Prizes help keep tournament participants engaged and encourage them to stay and fish longer throughout the weekend.
Sponsors will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/BIGJIG and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. For more information and to sponsor a cash prize or a random prize contact nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 512 by January 21, 2022
Enter your restaurant's most creative deliciousness-on-top-of-fries creation into the Pass-the-Poutine contest! Event guests will follow the poutine route, tasting poutines from each participating restaurant and vote for their favourite. Your restaurant could be crowned winner of the Best Poutine in Town! Congratulations to last year's winner, Bamboo Hut for their Spicy Pad Thai Poutine
Sponsors will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Enter the contest online at visitsylvanlake.ca/poutinecontest by February 11, 2022
Winterfest is jam-packed with fun winter activities. Your business can get its name out there and be recognized as part of the event by sponsoring one of the Winterfest activities or an activity zone!
Sponsors will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Sponsor logos will be featured on in-person signage at the event activity. For more information and to sponsor a Winterfest activity contact nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 512 by January 21, 2022
The Town of Sylvan Lake is looking for three restaurants or bars to host a band on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings as part of the event. Live music is a great way to finish off a day of chilly winter activities paired with a warm meal and a good drink!
The Town of Sylvan Lake will reimburse accepted restaurants up to 50% of the cost of the band up to a maximum of $400. Restaurants must be Tourism Partners before applying to host a band, and host a minimum 2 hour performance beginning between the hours of 7pm-11pm. Accepted restaurants must host a different band on a different night from other accepted restaurants. Band choice is at the option of the restaurant. First come first served. Accepted restaurants must receive a Confirmation Email specifying acceptance prior to booking a band.
Hosts will receive name recognition on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Registration opens Tuesday, December 14 via online form posted here or by calling 403 887 1192 ext 527. Closes January 21, 2022.
Host your own Winterfest x The BIG JIG-themed event in your business! Your event will be included in the Winterfest x The BIG JIG event marketing, helping to drive customers to your location. Please note that single business sales events are not eligible, this opportunity is suited for activities and experiences. Reach out if you're looking for help with your event idea at nbhola@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 527.
Events will be posted on visitsylvanlake.ca/winterfest and across event social media on Visit Sylvan Lake. Submit your event online at visitsylvanlake.ca/shareevent by January 21, 2022
Updated 2021-12-10
Posted 2021-12-09
Twinkle Tours | Decorate for the Holidays
Twinkle Tours is back for the second year in a row with an interactive online map of all the best holiday lights and displays across Sylvan Lake! Join in in the holiday fun by decorating the outside of your business with lights, wreaths, Christmas trees, ornaments, logs, or anything else that will draw attention from passersby, and register on the Twinkle Tour map! The complete map will be available online throughout the holidays.
Decorating your storefront also lets people know that your store is a holiday shopping destination they can't miss!
> Register your decorated storefront to be on the Twinkle Tour Map at sylvanlake.ca/twinkletours by December 10!
Register a Float for the Santa Claus Parade
The Santa Claus Parade is part of the Light Up the Lake holiday festivities taking place on Saturday, November 27.
The parade starts at 5pm, winding its way from 47 Avenue into downtown ending at Lakeshore Drive and 46 Street. Followed by fireworks and the Lighting of the Winter Village, it's a can't miss holiday event in Sylvan Lake.
All parade entry types (vehicles, towed floats, walking groups, etc.) must pre-register for the parade by November 24 at 4pm via online form or by contacting the NexSource Centre reception desk at 403 887 1192.
> Register your float online at visitsylvanlake.ca/paraderegistration
Mystery Towns Downtown Scavenger Hunt
The Town of Sylvan Lake is working with company, Mystery Towns, to put together a scavenger hunt around Sylvan Lake’s downtown! The hunt will incorporate some of Sylvan’s best sights, stories, and monuments for players to explore. Businesses can be involved by offering a deal or discount of some type during the game to encourage players to take a break and grab a bite or do an activity along the way.
The game is played by mobile phone and can be multi-player or teams can play against each other to solve the mystery of the ‘Lost Regatta’ by finding clues along the route. The game is family-friendly and likely suitable for ages 10+. Adults will enjoy the game as well and still find the clues challenging. The game route goes down Lakeshore Drive, Centennial Street, and 46 Street. For more info on Mystery Towns please see this video
We are reaching out directly to Tourism Partners along the scavenger hunt route directly to be involved.
Flannel & Feast Stage Sponsor
Calling all plaid enthusiasts! Flannel & Feast is full of arts, music, food, and entertainment that celebrates the laidback cabin lifestyle that is quintessentially Sylvan Lake. Part of Alberta Culture Days, this one-day event celebrates hipster fashion, robust facial hair and lumberjack culture at it's finest! September 25, 1pm-6pm.
Stage Sponsor Investment: $2,000
For details, contact Tourism Coordinator Natasha at nbhola@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 2199 ext 527.
September Business Involvement Opporutnities
Fall is coming up fast! We're excited for our regular line-up of special events return, along with new opportunities for businesses to be involved with Town of Sylvan Lake tourism initiatives.
Download the full list of September Involvement Opportunities here
CulinART! For Artists
> Find CulinART! Event Details for Businesses
> Apply to Exhibit or Vend Artwork at CulinART!
CulinART! is a downtown food and art walking tour on Friday, September 10 from 6-9:30pm.
Artists are invited to exhibit their work along the CulinART! route. Exhibition is open to all artists across Alberta and all mediums that can be practically incorporated into the event. Application required. Artwork may be displayed outdoors and the Town of Sylvan Lake cannot be held responsible for damage to art from weather, event attendees, or other factors. If damage is a concern, artists are encouraged to attend the event to ensure the condition of their artwork is maintained.
Free to exhibit!
NEW! If an artist is interested in vending their work during the event, a $50 vendor fee is applied upon registration.
For questions about CulinART! contact Special Events Coordinator at pmcarthur@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 2199.
CulinART! For Restaurants
> Register and Find CulinART! Event Details for Businesses
CulinART! is a downtown art and food walking tour celebrating Sylvan Lake's thriving food and art scene! On September 10, 2021 from 6pm-9:30pm, guests will exchange culinary tickets for food and drink items while viewing unique art and collecting stickers on their CulinART! passports to enter to win great prizes. Restaurants will collect tickets, and sticker passports. Tickets will be redeemed with the Town of Sylvan Lake following the event for reimbursement.
Restaurants on the walking route are encouraged to share their best bites and small sips with up to 4 menu items per restaurant. Serving from a dedicated table near your front door using a chafing dish and disposable plates/napkins/utensils is recommended for ease and speed.
NEW! For non-downtown restaurants: new for 2021, non-downtown restaurants are invited to participate in CulinART! by setting up a culinary station beneath a canopy tent at an approved location along the walking route. A 10x10 ft tent will be provided by the Town of Sylvan Lake. Limit of 10 spaces. AHS permit approval required. If you're a non-downtown business, get in touch and register early, as AHS approvals can take time to process.
For more info on CulinART! please contact our Special Events Coordinator pmcarthur@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 2199.
CulinART! Prize Sponsors
CulinART! guests will fill up their passports with stickers from each participating restaurant to enter to win giveaway prizes! Passports encourage guests to try something from each restaurant. Complete passports with a sticker from each restaurant will be entered to win giveaway prizes!
10 CulinART! prize sponsor spots available! Minimum $50 prize value.
Contact Special Events Coordinator pmcarthur@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 2199 to sponsor a CulinART! prize.
*Cancelled* Summer Window Painting
*Due to budgetary changes this program has been postponed to a later date*
Register by June 14, 2021. First come, first served. Registration opens June 1, 2021.
Transform your storefront with hand painted seasonal window art. Lead by local visual artist, Jamie Cooney, we are excited to offer more complimentary window painting to our Tourism Partners! Please apply to have your storefront windows painted in a 'Sylvan Lake Summer' theme by entering your information via online form
Capacity is very limited and applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis.
Be Involved! May and June Opportunities for Businesses
Businesses can be involved in Town of Sylvan Lake tourism initiatives and strategies throughout May and June by registering to participate below!
- Be Featured! New In Town Campaign | May 15-22 > New Dates: June 21-30
- We're showcasing businesses who are NEW or have REVAMPED over 2020/2021 just in time for the May long weekend! Up to ten businesses will be featured on Visit Sylvan Lake social media. Register by May 5 at visitsylvanlake.ca/newintown
- Share Your Best Campfire Stories and Recipes | All Summer
Summer was made for nights around the fire. Connect your business to visitors by sharing your best stories or recipes. A great opportunity for restaurants! Your stories and recipes will be featured alongside your business on visitsylvanlake.ca. Share your stories and recipes at visitsylvanlake.ca/campfirestories
1913 Days
Update: As a result of new pandemic restrictions implemented by the province in May, 1913 will take place on the weekend of June 18-19 only.
- Meet Me On Main Street Campaign | June 7-11 > New dates: June 14-18
1913 Days is all about heritage and our small town! As we gear up for the event, we want to feature up to ten Main Street businesses (Centennial/50 Street) over Visit Sylvan Lake social media in connection to the sidewalk sale activity. Register by May 21 at visitsylvanlake.ca/meetmeonmain
- Host Your Own 1913 Days Event | June 11-13 > New dates: June 18-19 only
- Be a part of 1913 Days by hosting your own event or activity at your business to draw people in. Let us know the details, and be added to the official event schedule to be marketed as part of the 1913 Days event! Make your event fun, simple, and easy to host! Register by May 21 at visitsylvanlake.ca/1913-days-submit-event
- 1913 Days Downtown Sidewalk Sale | All Day June 12 > New date: June 19 only
- Put out a rack of your products on the sidewalk, prop open your door, and invite passersby in for a boutique shopping experience! Centennial Street will be decorated for the event to add a festive feel. Registration is not required. For questions, ask our Special Events Coordinator at pmcarthur@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 2199
Updated: 2021-05-05
Experience Development Coaching
In partnership with Travel Alberta, the Town of Sylvan Lake has put together one-on-one experience development coaching opportunities for experience development. Experience development is a way to create new opportunities that enhance products and attract new customers.
It means shifting the mindset from selling products to providing experiences. For example, a business that sells spun wool might enhance their business strategy by providing tours of their workshop, farm tours, instructional workshops on wool dyeing or spinning, knitting events, and find new ways to tell their story of why wool is so important to them.
Interested businesses should email us to find out more and will be invited to attend an online group introductory meeting to see if they would like to continue with one-on-one coaching.
Take Part in Rumble Alberta
Rumble Alberta is a driving tour challenge event from May long weekend to October. It encourages all types of rubber tire tourism to head out and explore Alberta!
The Town of Sylvan Lake has teamed up with this event to place Sylvan Lake on the Rumble Alberta route map!
Businesses who haven't already received sponsorship can participate in two ways:
- Sponsor your business at your cost. Reach out to our contact, Sheila, at Rumble Alberta by email. For more info see https://rumblealberta.com/
- Or, add to the swag bags! Challenge participants will receive swag bags when they participate. Provide 50-100 swag items like coupons, special deals, and merchandise to incentivize them to visit your business. This is a free opportunity and closes April 15, 2021. Email us
Posted: 2021-03-17
Updated: 2021-03-29
Be sponsored by the Town of Sylvan Lake for the Rumble Alberta Challenge!
The Town of Sylvan Lake is looking for up to three businesses to sponsor for the “Rumble Alberta'' Touring Challenge Event! These sponsorships are valued at $300 each worth a $550 in marketing value. Three selected businesses will receive FREE participation in the event for the year.
Selected businesses will receive the Steel Business Sponsorship Package with those costs of participation covered by the Town of Sylvan Lake. Businesses will receive marketing through the Touring Challenge Event throughout the summer, as well as be placed on the Rumble Alberta route map year-round.
Rumble Alberta encourages all types of rubber tire traffic to explore Alberta!
Interested in being sponsored for Rumble Alberta by the Town of Sylvan Lake?
- Enter your business to win one of three FREE sponsorships:
- Submit an expression of interest by March 22, 2021 using this online form. A maximum of three businesses will be selected by random draw.
- Choose what “swag” you will donate to the event:
- Rumble Alberta asks for 50-100 pieces of donated “swag” per participating business. Swag can be things like coupons, promotional items, or other merchandise, ie. 10% off coupons etc. Swag will be distributed throughout Alberta for challenge participants at the discretion of Rumble Alberta
- Three businesses will be notified on March 23, 2021 of being selected and accept sponsorship:
- If your business is not selected for sponsorship by the Town of Sylvan Lake, you may still choose to participate in Rumble Alberta at your own cost
All businesses must be registered Tourism Partners before March 22, 2021, and appropriately licensed with the Town of Sylvan Lake. Limit of one expression of interest per business.
Posted: 2021-03-17
Pass-the-Poutine Contest | The BIG JIG
The Town of Sylvan Lake is hosting The BIG JIG Ice Fishing Derby February 13-15, 2021 over the Family Day long weekend. Check out the event page at visitsylvanlake.ca/bigjig
The event will include an ice fishing derby organized through an online app to ensure social distancing, live music, Pass-the-Poutine Contest for the best poutine in town, Kinabik Discovery Village for indigenous peoples heritage, and Learn to Fish for Beginners!
Participate in the Pass-the-Poutine Contest:
Be the winner of the best, most creative, tastiest poutine in town! Restaurants can submit their creation using the online form.
Your restaurant will offer your poutine creation over the duration of the weekend in dine-in or takeout format. We recommend small-plate (side order) sized takeout portions with a fork, in consideration of Covid-19 public health orders and to encourage attendees to try a little poutine from each participating restaurant.
What doesn't taste good on top of fries? Participants in the Pass-the-Poutine contest will be promoted as a part of The BIG JIG event. Event attendees looking for a filling way to warm up will try all different types of poutines and visit your restaurant.
Equipment Rental Providers | The BIG JIG
The Town of Sylvan Lake is hosting The BIG JIG Ice Fishing Derby February 13-15, 2021 over the Family Day long weekend. Check out the event page at visitsylvanlake.ca/bigjig
The event will include an ice fishing derby organized through an online app to ensure social distancing, live music, Pass-the-Poutine Contest for the best poutine in town, Kinabik Discovery Village for indigenous peoples heritage, and Learn to Fish for Beginners!
Does your business rent out winter equipment?
Ice fishing shacks, rods, bait, snowshoes, cross country skis, ATVs, snowmobiles, fat bikes - anything that helps people get outside and enjoy winter! If your business is renting these items, let us know. We want to let others know about Equipment Rental Providers as part of The BIG JIG event and throughout the season! Businesses must be licensed with the Town of Sylvan Lake.
Email us to get started!
Prize Sponsors | The BIG JIG
The Town of Sylvan Lake is hosting The BIG JIG Ice Fishing Derby February 13-15, 2021 over the Family Day long weekend. Check out the event page at visitsylvanlake.ca/bigjig
The event will include an ice fishing derby organized through an online app to ensure social distancing, live music, Pass-the-Poutine Contest for the best poutine in town, Kinabik Discovery Village for indigenous peoples heritage, and Learn to Fish for Beginners!
Sponsor Random Draw Prizes
At The BIG JIG, all ice fishing Derby and Learn to Fish participants will be entered into random prize draws. Businesses are invited to sponsor a random prize by donating a prize over a $50 minimum retail value.
Interested in sponsoring a prize? Email us directly
Collaborative Marketing Opportunities
Content marketing is a valuable way for your business to attract attention by sharing interesting and engaging information that people are already looking for, to draw them to your business. Some great ideas for content might be:
- A skate shop sharing a video of tricks, or education on which boards fit what kind of riding
- A business located in a heritage building sharing about the story of the structure and how they honor and protect that
- A restaurant sharing a campfire recipe, cookout recipe, or a recipe featuring a local ingredient
- A clothing retailer showing off a selection of weather-approved outfits for your next snowshoeing adventure
- ...so many more!
Remember, content shared over Visit Sylvan Lake needs to be relevant to the audience - something fun or cool happening around town that connects with Sylvan Lake's visitors.
Lap the Lake Sponsorship Opportunities
The Lap the Lake Challenge raises awareness for Mental Health issues and raises money for local charities. Participants are encouraged to track their total distance walked from January 24th-February 22nd. At the end of the 30 days, participants will submit proof of their efforts to be entered to win one of three amazing prizes. Last year, Sylvan Lakers walked a total of 4,171 kms and raised just over $8000!
Sponsorship: Three prize sponsorship opportunities are available! Sponsors are asked to donate gift cards or tangible prizes valued at $200. Sponsorships are first come first served.
Sponsors will receive:
- Name recognition and tagged in the Facebook Event
- Name recognition on the Lap the Lake pledge forms
- Name recognition and tagged on Lap the Lake social media posts from the Town of Sylvan Lake Recreation page
For more information or to sponsor contact nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 512 by January 6, 2022.
Updated 2021-12-10
Posted 2021-12-09
Family Skate and Sled Party Sponsorship Opportunities
Sylvan Lake families are invited to Leader Field on January 30th sled, skate, cook some s’mores, roast hot dogs, and enjoy winter activities with Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf from Frozen. The event typically draws about 300 people.
Sponsorship: Opportunities to get involved include sponsoring/donating event supplies including cups, lids, sugar packets, stir sticks, creamer, s'mores kit supplies, and hot dog roasting supplies.
Sponsorship Recognition: Name recognition in the Facebook event and tagged event social media through the Town of Sylvan Lake Recreation page.
For questions and to sponsor, reach out to nyoung@sylvanlake.ca or 403 887 1192 ext 512 by January 14, 2022
Shop Local Campaigns and Holiday Gift Guide
Shopping local matters. Dollars spent in our community have a greater tendency to recirculate, creating jobs, prosperity, attracting investment, and creating economic growth. Check out and be involved in the initiatives below.
From the Chamber of Commerce:
- Fistfuls of Fall Cash: Funded by the WCD Committee, a total of $3,000 is being given away to downtown shoppers with weekly escalating prizes
- Our Town video project is out now! Check it out and share
From Visit Sylvan Lake:
- Visit Sylvan Lake will be promoting "Shop Lo-ho-ho-cal" for the second year in a row
- Get on our Gift Guide! When you post on social media about the great gift ideas you have in store, tag @visitsylvanlake. Those posts will be reshared and saved to a Gift Guide Instagram highlight. *Please note this initiative is run over Instagram only
Winter Village Sponsorships
The 2021 official Lighting of the Winter Village will take place on November 27 during Light up the Lake!
The Winter Village is put together by a committee of volunteers and dedicated sponsors. The Pier is lit up annually from December to March, attracting traffic to the downtown area and complementing winter and holiday activities at the lake, creating a unique winter attraction.
Businesses can get involved through sponsorships! For as little as $100, sponsor a winter weekend bonfire night in the Winter Village.
> For more info on sponsoring, see facebook.com/sylvanlakewintervillage
What is collaborative marketing?
Your business gets more bang for its buck with collaborative marketing than going solo.
Collaborative marketing is when like-minded businesses come together to their mutual benefit to share resources and gain greater brand exposure.
Collaborative businesses can leverage each other's audiences to both experience marketing growth. Here's a couple easy ways to get started:
1. Show appreciation: give a shout-out to another business or tag other businesses that are featured in your social media posts
2. Share, share, share - share posts from other businesses that may be relevant to your audience. Especially if your business has been tagged in a post!
Grants can be a great way to find funding for new initiatives

Share your feedback
Quarterly surveys are designed to give Sylvan Lake's tourism industry businesses the opportunity to regularly share feedback and ideas with the Town of Sylvan Lake. A regular survey also helps track changes over time and paints a picture of what businesses are seeing on the front lines of the visitor market. The Quarterly Surveys asks questions about:
- The business environment and how it can be improved through infrastructure, policies, or programs
- Notable trends in the visitor market
- How Town of Sylvan Lake initiatives impacted your business
- How your business is experiencing each quarter as compared to the previous year
- Any suggestions businesses may have that can lend insight for fostering and enhancing industry development
Quartely Surveys
Every three months, Tourism Partners have the opportunity to provide feedback on various factors affecting the tourism industry in Sylvan Lake and their business. Your feedback is read and used to help understand how the tourism industry businesses are being affected, and identify needed opportunities for development.
Q1 2023 survey will be available in April
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q3 2023 Quarterly Survey:
Share Your Feedback | Q1 & Q2 2024 Survey
Your feedback matters and helps the Town of Sylvan Lake shape decisions that have a positive impact on community and industry. Your feedback helps inform the Town of Syvlan Lake's Tourism team, the Tourism Development Committee, and Council.
Form closes September 15, 2024
Posted 2024-08-26
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q3 2023 Quarterly Survey:
What We Heard | Q3 2023 Survey
- Marketing support for businesses through Visit Sylvan Lake continues to be appreciated by Tourism Partners. Additional information is required to inform businesses about what gets shared on the platform and how they can take advantage of those services
- Considerations under the STAR Bylaw regarding incorporation status of ownership
- Noted perceived lack of support for STAR properties by the municipality, residents, etc.
- Parking and traffic were major concerns during the summer months
- Suggestions for tourism supportive assets included a hop-on-hop off style bus system or shuttle, short term boat mooring, and public recognition of the significance of STAR properties to the tourism economy including property owner supports
- Economics and inflation affected Tourism Partners including affecting customer’s spending habits
- Residents were noted by all respondents as significant supporting users of tourism-related business services
- Discover Sylvan Lake was positively received. There was an inherent inability to track results of marketing investment into the magazine, as is common in print media
- The TDC was positively received by respondents
- The floral mural installation was positively received, regardless of impact to businesses
- E-scooter program received mixed feedback. Noted the increased mobility for all. Concerns included complaints from visitors about limited geographic coverage and from about messy scooters left on business’ property
Posted 2024-22-01
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q2 2023 Quarterly Survey:
What We Heard | Q2 2023 Survey
- Parking was a noted concern
- Needs for boat mooring was noted
- Dispersal of tourists through town, such as through additional wayfinding, was noted
- Feedback indicated that Town special events can pull customers away from businesses
Posted 2023-07-21
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q1 2023 Quarterly Survey:
What We Heard | Q1 2023 Survey
- Businesses felt the impact of food tours around family day and a desire for more events like this
- An influx of younger customers affected some businesses
Posted 2023-03-30
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q4 2022 Quarterly Survey:
What We Heard | Q4 2022 Survey
- Events created overnight stays and contributed to positive feedback from visitors
- Suggested shuttled from the cities would be beneficial to ringing in tourism
- Facing regulatory limitations to operating a STAR business
Posted 2023-01-20
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q3 2022 Quarterly Survey:
- All respondents favored group email as the primary way to hear about Tourism Partnership Program initiatives
- Advertising was a major concern:
- Challenges included sufficient lead time advertising of Town events and multi-channel strategies, alignment with business interests, and new opportunities for businesses to get the word out about themselves
- Confusion and negative impact of not being able to put advertising in high visibility public spaces heard in previous quarters was echoed in Q3 2022.
- Exposure through Visit Sylvan Lake reshares was considered key to businesses across the sector
- While externally organized events were viewed favorably, a lack of advertising for them was a major concern
- Opportunities to advertise in conjunction with or through Town events via Visit Sylvan Lake was considered valuable
- Struggles were faced with reaching tourists in areas not located directly along the waterfront, compounded by Lakeshore Drive Closure and construction
- Respondents showed a major interest in being more involved in tourism initiatives and in shaping tourism direction in partnership with the Town of Sylvan Lake
- On average, 55% of customer traffic was estimated to be from visitors
- Current trends included an increase in souvenir purchases, the challenge of targeting people who have become accustomed to staying home post-pandemic, families that bring their tents/BBQs that don’t spend money but cause congestion, and an increase in recurring customers
- Half of respondents reported lower sales and total customers than in the same quarter in the previous year. 40% of respondents reported an increase in marketing efforts in terms of frequency or dollars spent as compared to the same quarter last year
- There was no reported impact on businesses from Food Truck Thursdays and Mobile Vending in Q3. A lack of scale and awareness for Food Truck Thursdays was noted. The potential for mobile vending to pull away from downtown businesses was reported.
- The STAR Bylaw was reported as having no effect on respondents. Creating the bylaw and an increase in short terms rentals was viewed as unfavorable
- Lakeshore Drive Road Closure was reported as having no impact on 50% of respondents and a negative impact on the other 50% of respondents. No positive feedback was received. Negative feedback included:
- Lost sales, based on comparison to 2021 that fluctuated with the closing and early reopening of the street
- Compounded construction difficulties and lack of things to do deterred visitors who sought out other lakes nearby
- Closing the road without daily entertainment was ineffective and impractical
- Created congestion at 50 St & 50 Ave
- Locals avoided the area due to compounded congestion, affecting customer base and resident enjoyment
- Considered unfair to favour the interests of Lakeshore Drive businesses over the interests of other businesses that would be affected
- Major events taking place on Lakeshore Drive are not having an equal benefit to all businesses and prevent would-be customers from moving away from the beachfront
- No impact on respondents was reported from Theatre Trails, Alberta Day, Drive-In and Movies in the Park, the Spray Park, and Shoreline Clean Up.
- Several mentions of Town events being used to primarily highlight Council instead of affect change for businesses were noted
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q2 2022 Quarterly Survey:
- All respondents had a negative response to the Lakeshore Drive road closure and indicated it had a significant negative impact on their business. Concerns included:
- Road closure confusion for tourists
- Businesses received complaints from customers that were actively seeking them out and had trouble getting to their business
- Road closure created a longer walk for those with mobility issues
- Further limited parking in the downtown area which was already under parking pressures
- Construction closures compounded difficulties with the Lakeshore Drive Closure
- Takes away from the “driving experience” of Lakeshore Drive
- Patio-goers preferred to see the cool cars go by and the hustle and bustle
- Centennial Street businesses reported low customer traffic compared to previous years
- Felt that the closure did not have the anticipated and desired impact that was originally envisioned
- Enjoying the benefit of increased exposure in tourism publications and platforms including the app (Chamber of Commerce), events, Discover Sylvan Lake (Sylvan Lake News), and website
- Inconsistencies in signage enforcement, and/or desire for review of the signage bylaw regarding advertising-style signage being put up in public areas, like the beachfront
- Increased need for bylaw enforcement over the summer months related to dogs, parking, signage, etc.
- Seeing an increase over the quarter in ladies’ trips, bachelorettes, golfers, pet-friendly visitors, and LGBTQ+ visitors
- Food Truck Thursdays are not drawing in traffic to the Centennial Street area, and also having a limited, tolerable, negative impact on other food-businesses in the area
- The benefit of the STAR Bylaw was unclear to STAR operators and considered limiting to growth and development of a unique STAR experience
- For all respondents, 2 hour parking in downtown areas was not favoured due to increased pressure on private lots, deterrent to local residents, and difficulty for staff to find parking
- Businesses benefitted from having events adjacent to their businesses, like 1913 Days
- Desire to see continued growth of National indigenous Peoples Day and similar Indigenous learning opportunities and celebrations
- Rain and assault incidences throughout the quarter deterred visitors and had an overall negative impact on tourism industry
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q1 2022 Quarterly Survey:
- Water safety concerns: the need for patrolling the water or volunteer/community patrol
- Town events are useful in providing activities for renters
- Extremely limited traffic on Centennial Street in the winter months. These months pose a significant challenge
- Need for façade and street improvements on Centennial Street
- Need for incentives to fill vacant storefronts, such as Win this Space
- Businesses can help each other by recommending other businesses to their customers
- Businesses enjoy seeing their events shared on the Visit Sylvan Lake website, and find great value in Visit Sylvan Lake resharing their social media posts
- Need to facilitate tourists off the beachfront and through other areas in town
- Visitor behavior concerns: use of private business restrooms without spending money, leaving trash on private property, and parking in free private lots to avoid pay parking
- Use of BBQs on the beach prevents money being spent in town. Tents block the lake view and limit the use of the beachfront from easy access for everyone
- Events hosted by businesses are bringing in traffic and are finding traction in reaching customers online
- Winterfest x The BIG JIG created increase in traffic and sales for businesses
- Desire to see more events on Centennial Street, horse and carriage rides throughout the summer, as well as bands
- Visitors are looking for quality souvenirs
- Accommodation guests may visit the Winter Village but do not come to Sylvan Lake specifically for it
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q4 2021 Quarterly Survey:
- value in recognizing niche markets
- desire to see initiatives have more of a trickle-down effect out to other areas including Centennial Street
- desire for shopping initiatives
- water/watercraft enforcement concerns
- hesitancy to travel; anticipating the desire for stay-cations to continue
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q3 Quarterly Survey:
- Centennial Street businesses are taking initiative to connect together. Low Centennial Street traffic; businesses benefit from events that take place on Centennial or nearby streets.
- suggested creation of a shopping/dining map
- trends in the market include a decline in traffic as the off-season sets in
- seeing an uptick in ladies outings – shopping and dining, golfing trips, sporting events, etc. with most coming from the Calgary and Edmonton area
- greater clarification on how to access being involved in Town initiatives is needed, particularly as it relates to events
- businesses are finding value in Visit Sylvan Lake re-sharing their content
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q2 Quarterly Survey:
- increase in visitors returning to town
- need for enhanced downtown curb appeal
- need to disburse and facilitate tourists throughout town to a variety of areas
- concerns about tourist services including parking and washrooms
- types of new businesses opening up
Here's what we heard from Tourism Partners in the Q1 Quarterly Survey:
- businesses continued to face significant difficulties related to ongoing provincial health restrictions and closures
- transportation/parking concerns and ideas, particularly in downtown
- trends in the market included more families and an increase in out of town customers
What is Visit Sylvan Lake?
Visit Sylvan Lake is the tourism umbrella for the Town of Sylvan Lake and consists of three social media accounts and a website. Visit Sylvan Lake channels are operated by the Town of Sylvan Lake and handle destination marketing, visitor information, and promote tourism development.
2. Piggy-back and host a complimentary activity
Piggy-back off an existing Town of Sylvan Lake event to host a complementary activity in your business that complements the event theme.
What is the best way to be shared on Visit Sylvan Lake?
Visit Sylvan Lake is currently using a "user-generated content" strategy which means that most social media content on teh Visit Sylvan Lake platform is reshared from a person or a business who has tagged @visitsylvanlake or #visitsylvanlake

Just for Tourism Partners
Book a FAM Tour
Are you a new business or want to share about something new you're doing?
Book a familiarization tour (FAM tour) to share with staff operating Visit Sylvan Lake. Help us know what's available to tourists and how best to share your experience.
FAM Tours are subject to Covid-19 and may take place online instead of in-person.
To book a FAM Tour, please email us. We're excited to hear from you!
Have a great idea?
Work together with other local businesses that are interested and can help bring your idea to life.
Use the Partner Directory to reach out to others who can be a part of your initiative
Update your Business Listing
Tell the story of the experience your business offers visitors with an updated listing on visitsylvanlake.ca
Tourism Partners are in full control of their business listing information on visitsylvanlake.ca and are responsible for checking and updating their business listing regularly.
Tourism Sector Resources
Webinars and Training Programs
Webinars and in-person trainings. Attend those that are most likely to assist with your business!
Tourism Entrepreneurship and Startups
Starting a new tourism business? Find planning resources specific to the tourism sector.
Your Business on Google
Google is the primary search engine for visitors. Make sure customers can find your business on Google! Google also hosts an assortment of business management tools and analytics.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is a way to increase your business' online presence and interact with your customers. Show them what you do and how you do it, and create a desire to visit your business for a unique experience only you can provide!
Which Visitors are your Customers?
Your customers are unique! The experience offered by your business may appeal to a specific traveler type which can be targeted through marketing messages and the product or service your business develops.
Sylvan Lake's Visitor and Research Resources
Starting a new tourism business? Find planning resources specific to the tourism sector.
Experience Development
Tourism is all about experiences. People travel to Sylvan Lake to experience activities they can't do anywhere else, learn about our unique way of life, and take in the surroundings that make Sylvan Lake special and different.
Creating high quality visitor experiences that connect authentically to the destination of Sylvan Lake takes place through Experience Development.
Providing great visitor experiences ensures that your business' experience is a must-do for travelers and on their Sylvan Lake bucket list!
Visitor's Map
A visitor's map shows tourists where they are welcome and wanted, where they can access both public and private services, and locates businesses that offer goods and services that enhance visitor experiences. Tourism Partners are added to our online visitor's map! The map uses a unique "story map" platform combining imagery and text details.
Find your way
VISITOR MAPHave questions?
The Tourism Industry Partnership Program is delivered by the Recreation, Culture & Tourism department of the Town of Sylvan Lake. For questions or further information on the Program or Visit Sylvan Lake, contact:
Natasha Bhola
Tourism Marketing & Development Coordinator
Town of Sylvan Lake
403-887-1192 ext 527 or email