New Sidewalk Mural in Sylvan Lake!

Check it out across from the NexSource Centre

Artist: Clare Butterfly

There is a new sidewalk mural located in town on 49th Avenue just across from the NexSource Centre. The artist, Clare Butterfly, used traditional colours from the Medicine Wheel which are red, yellow, black and white.

The word for West in Cree is Paksimotah-ocek, which means "Where the sun goes down",  so incorporated in this quadrant is the sun setting over the Medicine River.

In the South is the connection of the Medicine River into the Red Deer River, in Cree is "Weyaskasoo Sipi"meaning Elk River. In actuality that connection is straight south of Sylvan Lake at the end of highway 781. Definitely somewhere to check out!


In the East is the depiction of the Wolf's Track trail, Ekote Muhekan Ek Ke Pimohtet, which is an ancient trail used by indigenous people all the way down to New Mexico! It crosses the Red Deer River right by Fort Normandeau. You'll notice the foot prints are all in different colours, this is an ode to the traditional Southern colours, red, yellow, black and white.

The final quadrant is the Medicine Hills to the North with a beautiful Bison.

The entire piece is curated in a Cree theme which uses more blue and white in design.

Any which way this piece speaks to you, it's sure to brighten up  your day, so go check it out!
