Landlubbers Hit the Trails
Off the beach and into town are a series of connected trails that are perfect for walking, strolling, and biking for exercise and just to spend some time outdoors with a few good friends. Download a trails map or online here.Sylvan Lake was named from the latin word ‘sylvanus’ meaning “of a forest” for the many trees in the area. Surrounding the lake is an abundance of poplar and birch trees that create a fantastic canopy of color year round along Sylvan Lake's trails.
Most trails are fairly flat or have slight hills, making them perfect for low-intensity activities for people at all skills levels.
While you won’t find calf-burning wilderness hikes in this flat-land section of the Alberta prairie, you will find a combination of paved and gravel trails through open field, along the beach, and through the woods. Here are some of our favorite trails:
Our favorite trail for the woods: CP Trail
When you need a little peace and quiet while staying in town, CP Trail is our favorite. It runs straight across town from east to west and much of it is covered in tree canopy. About an hour to walk one way, it also accesses the disc golf course, and some favorite areas for kids to explore nature. This trail is paved completely and is great for kids, strollers, and dogs.
Our favorite Trail for the beach: Sylvan Lake Boardwalk
Right in the hustle and bustle of Lakeshore Drive and Sylvan Lake’s beach, the Sylvan Lake boardwalk runs along the water and is the perfect place for catching sunsets. A popular walk in the summer, head to the south side of the street along the strip of restaurants for less traffic. From 50 street to 46 street and Centennial Park, this trail is the hub for beach goers. East from Centennial Park to 34 street, the trail is much quieter and more treed. This trail is paved completely. Perfect for those who want to be right in the thick of things!
Best for biking
Head uphill and feel the burn on the trail along 60 street on the far west side of town. For flat-land cross-town routes, CP Trial and the sidewalks routes along the railway line are good for a continuous bike ride.